
The content displayed/provided through Gillian Shield’s goods, services, products, audio/video content is for educational and personal-development purposes only, and is not deemed as professional medical advice.

Gillian Shields is a coach/mentor, and is not a therapist, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or a member of any regulated health profession and will not provide any such services to you. Gillian Shield’s services, courses, trainings, products, and content are not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or any other psychological, physical, or emotional treatment/therapy.

What Gillian Shields shares are her own beliefs, observations, and learnings founded on her personal growth work, work as a mentor, and/or her formal education. What Gillian Shields shares or teaches may or may not align with your own views or goals.

Results of any trainings, programs, or products vary. You are solely responsible for your own results and it is your decision on how you incorporate Gillian’s work into your life, and how you interpret the information and tools provided to you.