So This Is Love, the podcast | Season 3, Episode 2 - Making a career shift without burnout: A conversation with Maria Cottrell
If you’re on a career path that doesn’t feel aligned anymore (or hasn’t ever!) and you feel something else calling to you, then you’ll love this episode!
I have a beautiful conversation with women's empowerment coach, Maria Cottrell. She shares her story of how she shifted her career as a nurse to becoming a life coach after being diagnosed with bladder cancer at the age of 34. Together, Maria and I share:
How to start making a passionate career shift without burnout or going into survival mode
Our most important internal shifts to make a career shift happen with more ease and flow.
Feeling seen and heard in the struggle to shift careers, and how to make it easier and work best for you
Top tips on starting a different career path without quitting your current one right away or making changes that put you into survival mode
How to navigate doubt or lack of support from other people about your decision to shift careers
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